
Diablo 2 act 2 mercenaries
Diablo 2 act 2 mercenaries

diablo 2 act 2 mercenaries

But there are also a few builds where the fire arrow offers an advantage. Is the mercenary from Act 1 with cold arrow or fire arrow better? In most cases, the cold arrow is better, as this attack will even freeze enemies in hell. The debuff remains active even after the mercenary dies, which makes this ability particularly useful in heavy boss fights. At level 30, this ability reduces enemy defenses by 1,615 for two minutes at Mercenary level 98. This ability is identical to the Amazon's Inner Vision. This ability reduces enemies' defenses for a while. These mercenaries master the abilities of the Amazons, but are not real Amazons and therefore cannot use crossbows or class-specific items such as Amazon bows. Otherwise, they deal damage by either cold arrows or fire arrows. With the first fixed ability Inner View, the defense of the opponents is reduced. Mercenaries from the first act are offered for sale by Kashya after we have reached level 8 or defeated Blood Ravens during the second quest. Related Read: D2R 2.4 Mercenary Equipment Guide - Best Gear Setup for Each Merc in Ladder Season 1Īct 1 Mercenaries: Rogues of the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye Which equipment is the best for the mercenary and which mercenary is recommended in each ACT of in Diablo 2 Resurrected, we reveal with this mercenary weapon and armor guide! Only then is he a valuable ally who supports us in battle and sometimes reinforces us with auras.

diablo 2 act 2 mercenaries

In Diablo 2 Resurrected, not only do we need to level up and equip our character with D2R weapons, runewords and armor, but we also need to equip our mercenary so that he doesn't die all the time.

Diablo 2 act 2 mercenaries